Monday, 30 July 2012


Funny month August... if you happen to be in Edinburgh.
With most of the country's standups clearing off to partake in the madness that is the Fringe festival north of the border, Leicester's comedy cupboard is left somewhat emptier than usual. But fear not - some plucky fellows have resisted the urge to spend the whole month whoring themselves around the Scottish capital, meaning there are still some laughs to be had in the city this month, and here's where to find them:

Saturday 4th - Simon Bligh, Julian Deane, Noel James, Eric Lampaert @Just the Tonic
Saturday 11th - Dan Evans, Nick Revell, Angie McAvoy, Sam Avery @Just the Tonic
Tuesday 14th - Lions Eat Ice Cream (open mike night) @Hub
Friday 17th - Rich Fulcher, Toby, Carly Smallman @Summer Sundae
Saturday 18th - Mark Maier, Mike Newall, Geoff Norcott, Eric Lampaert @Just the Tonic
Saturday 18th - David Morgan, Joey Page, Joe Bor @Summer Sundae
Tuesday 21st - Lions Eat Ice Cream (open mike night) @Hub
Friday 24th - Rob Gee: Smartarse @Crumblin' Cookie
Saturday 25th - Gary Delaney, Eddy Brimson, Adam Vincent, Sam Avery @Just the Tonic
Thursday 30th - Richard Peel presents Megaworld @Crumblin' Cookie

As for me, I'll be taking a well-deserved break from blogging during August (not to go to Edinburgh, mind - I'm not made of money you know!). Leicester Comedy Scene shall return at the end of August - bigger, better and more jam-packed with comedy shenanigans than ever...
Until then, have a cracking August!

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