Monday, 16 April 2012

Hurray! Leicester Comedy Scene is One Month Old today!

Well holy shizzoli - I was just typing a catch-up email to an old friend and I realised that my little blog is exactly one month old today (awwww....) and what an incredible month it's been!

This is post number 29 I believe - there's been lots of previews, some listings, and a handful of reviews. I've tweeted and been retweeted to thousands of people (thanks to the venues for that). I've bombarded Facebook with links to every post (sorry to my old friends if you've felt a little swamped lately!). The blog's been quoted in a venue's press release and on a few local websites. I've been invited to attend and review comedy events, and had several requests for write-ups from event organisers. Keep it up guys - if it's happening I want to include it!

Right - own trumpet successfully blown. To be perfectly honest I don't think myself or anyone else expected such a fantastic response. I'm a great believer of giving credit where credit's due, so I'd like to say a special thank you to Gemma Collins at the Mercury for suggesting I have a go at the old reviewing lark and Alex Dawson the former Features Editor, for giving me a shot; Chris Elston for suggesting the blog idea in the first place; Kieran and Sharon for convincing me that people might actually need and read a comedy blog, and of course Kirsty for the constant encouragement and for giving me the space and spare time to do all this! I also have myself to thank, specifically for injuring my ankle whilst running, for it was during a couple of days resting said ankle that I finally sat down and started writing this thing.

And of course last but not least (wrap it up for Christ's sake man - this is starting to sound like the frickin' Oscars!!) I have to thank everyone who has looked at and commented on the blog, liked the Facebook page and commented on my posts or spread the word in any way whatsoever. I feel privileged to be part of the scene here and I'll keep up the posts as long as people keep wanting to know about live comedy in this fantastic city of ours.

Big-up ya'selves, easy now...
PB x

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