Thursday, 11 April 2013

Buxton's Bug infects two more rooms full of video fans at the Phoenix

Adam Buxton rolled into town with his 'Bug' show, for two more performances at the Phoenix on Tuesday evening. Bug has been running regularly since 2007 and is still as popular as ever, with both screenings packing out the Phoenix's largest room.
The show itself consisted primarily of Buxton introducing interesting and creative music videos, and then gently mocking the YouTube comments posted about each piece. It's a great formula for Buxton, as the constant releasing of new videos and idiotic comments provides him with regular fresh material for each show, none of which he actually has to write himself.
That said, he did do a short self-penned section at the start, in which he took centre stage and used Apple's Keynote presentation software to take us through the ins and outs of a recent earache he suffered, and the resulting embarrassment as his condition was mocked on the local news as being not worthy of attention from his local A&E department.

Bug: Now also a TV series, apparently.
He spent the rest of the show sitting behind his laptop at one side of the stage, introducing music videos along with short biographies of the artists involved, often referencing other works they have produced. This enthusiasm and attention to detail appealed heavily to my 'geek' side, and I found myself wanting to check out some of the artists myself after the show.
The YouTube comment-mocking, whilst not a particularly original source of comedy, produced some big laughs as Buxton injected each comment with extra character, utilising a variety of silly accents and some deft zooming with his presentation software. Most amusing were the wind-up merchants (I believe the correct term is 'trolls'), posting ridiculously offensive and deliberately ignorant-sounding comments to rile fans of the artists, who would always take the comments and themselves far too seriously.

Darwin Deez: looks like an unused 'Nathan Barley' character being played by a young Chris Morris to me...
As for the videos themselves, there's no sense me reviewing them individually, suffice to say it was a enjoyably varied selection of artists and styles, from Darwin Deez being superimposed into cheesy stock footage, to Thom Yorke's crazy dance moves in the latest Atoms for Peace video, and Biting Elbows' blood-drenched, low budget, first-person action flick. Also worth a mention is the latest, surprisingly listenable offering from Travis (remember them? This track's actually not nearly as dreary as the stuff they used to make), which was shot entirely on VHS for that fuzzy, flickery look, and fantastical animations featuring Of Monsters and Men and Grizzly Bear. My favourite though, had to be the Russian guy who filmed his washing machine destroying itself in his back garden and set the footage to 'Gantz Graf' by Autechre - sounds bizarre, but it just works.
Overall a highly worthwhile experience. Sure, you don't need to go to a cinema with Adam Buxton in it to watch YouTube videos and laugh at the comments, but for someone like me who doesn't tend to spend hours idly browsing through internet content channels, I can't think of a nicer way to encounter some new bands and video artists than to experience their work on a gigantic screen with an appropriately chest-shuddering sound system. And there were more than enough laughs to keep the audience engaged and prevent it just being a rather dry procession of short musical films.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Hello there you lot. Hope you all had a good March - and by 'good' I mean I hope you didn't actually freeze to death. I admit I didn't go to see much comedy last month (with the exception of the last ever Lions Eat Ice Cream, during which I made my performance debut as the chief baker at 'Leicester Comedy Scone'). This 'month off' has given my sense of humour a much-needed break after the festival and also allowed me to sorting my work/life balance out, meaning I should now be able to devote more time to watching and writing about comedy - hurray!

So let's start with April's listings, which include solo shows from cheeky Londoner Micky Flanagan, one-of-a-kind mime/prop man The Boy With Tape On His Face and everyone's favourite grumpy American Rich Hall. Adam Buxton returns with his music/video/comedy show 'Bug' and The Criterion hosts the first outing of brand new improv group The Same Faces. Also, don't forget there's still time to enter our awesome three-in-one ticket competition, in which you can win tickets for Zoe Lyons etc on the 6th, Barbara Nice/Mae Martin on the 9th and four tickets to any Fri/Sat show in April at Just the Tonic, with free booze thrown in for good measure! The closing date is midday on Wednesday 3rd, so don't delay - click here to enter today!

Thu 4th - Big Value Comedy Auditions @ Just the Tonic
Fri 5th - Steve Royle, Chris Mayo, Mark Maier, Pierre Hollins @ Loughborough Town Hall
Fri 5th / Sat 6th - Mark Maier, Pierre Hollins, Debra-Jane Appelby, Ben Van Der Velde @ Just the Tonic
Sat 6th - Zoe Lyons, Ed Gamble, Paul McCaffrey, Ian Smith @ The Y
Mon 8th - Al Murray @ Loughborough Town Hall
Tue 9th - Barbara Nice, Mae Martin, Maureen Younger @ Duffy's Bar
Tue 9th - Adam Buxton: BUG @ Phoenix Square
Tue 9th - The Reduced Shakespeare Company @ Loughborough Town HallThu 11th - Big Value Comedy Auditions @ Just the Tonic
Fri 12th - Markus Birdman, Mandy Muden, Ben Schofield, Spiky Mike @Market Harborough RUFCFri 12th / Sat 13th -  Johnny Candon, Andrew Bird, Liam Mullone, Matt Richardson @ Just the Tonic
Wed 18th - Nibbles with Giggles @ Entropy
Thu 18th - The Boy With Tape On His Face @ Just the Tonic
Fri 19th / Sat 20th - John Robins, Will Franken, Geoff Norcott, Romesh Ranganathan @ Just the Tonic
Sat 20th - Rob Rouse, Tony Jameson, Nick Doody, Rhys Matthewson @ The Y
Sat 20th - UFI: Unidentified Flying Improv @ The Looking Glass
Sat 20th - Maff Brown, Martin Beaumont, Joe Rowntree @ Lutterworth Piano RoomSun 21st - Micky Flanagan @ De Montfort Hall
Sun 21st - Should I Stay or Should I Go? @ Kayal
Wed 24th - Antony King - Not Normal @ The Guildhall
Thu 25th - Big Value Comedy Auditions @ Just the Tonic
Thu 25th - Rich Hall @ De Montfort Hall
Fri 26th - Ivan Brackenbury, Dylan Rhymer, Ian D Montford, Darrell Martin @ Just the Tonic
Sat 27th - Hormonal Housewives @ De Montfort Hall
Sat 27th - The Same Faces @ The Criterion
Sat 27th - Ivan Brackenbury, Dylan Rhymer, Marlon Davis, Darrell Martin @ Just the Tonic
Mon 29th - The Raymond & Mr Timpkins Revue, Romesh Ranganathan, Anthony King, Dave Twentyman @ Sileby Conservative Club

As usual, let me know if you want to add anything to the list, by email, on the facebook page or on twitter.